Well Its not thursday….so why am i making this? Because I’m all to impatient and want so much to share these files with you, and i just could not keep them for myself any more!

There are 4 parts to this! Yes!! So many files in one haha.

Diamond the Seadragon, shes the long adult version, with 4 wings
Zirkonia the Baby Seadragon, the short version with only 2 wings

Theres the egg for both dragons. This egg is large and can be scaled down to 80% to fit one dragon, or printed at 100% to make room for both dragons. Play around with the sizes and see what you like.

Theres the B.A.D files so you can do the Build-A-Dragon version where everything prints in parts and you can make the dragon as you want it! Should it have 8 wings? or maybe just 2? How long do you want to make it? 10, 20 or 30 feet! Well only your fantasy sets the limits for it……do you want to print the bodyparts from the antlerdragon and use here? You can combine the 2 dragons, or add the files from the Geode Ice dragon in there, or the christmas dragon. With this release you can mix’n’match the 4 dragons any way you want to! How amazing is that! And so far This patreon is the only place where you can get to do that 😀

I am so very proud to have created this B.A.D. system that works this way 😀 And you I will be making more dragons, althoug i proberbly wont have more dragons for you this year….. I am working on a little ekstra file for you guys for thursday tho……… no spoilers … yet LOL! I’m so bad at keeping secrets and waiting

Oh last but not least, I am working on updating the 3mf files for Diamond and Zirkonia, I hope to have them ready before sunday, but i want to make them amazing for you guys. 

Here is the link for all the files:


I have printed these files from 60% up to 240% theres no need for support, all works well without. I used 3-5 walls, 10-15% infill and most printed at .2 layerhight.

I hope you will have fun printing these dragons!
I will make a new post when the 3mf files are posted.

Happy friday and happy printing!

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