Tomorrow its thursday and usually that is when i put up the personal tier files, but tomorrow I am going to Germany to shop all day, so I am giving you 1 day early access to the thursday files, so you dont have to wait for me to get home tomorrow. Christmas shopping takes time, so i am not sure when I will be home tomorrow evening 🙂
I hope you enjoy these files.
I am planning a patreon exclusive sassiepals to be put out this weekend, and next weeks file will be my new antlerdragon on thursday! I am so excited for this file to come out.
Here is the link to the files for today:
I have printed these bowl at 60% size, so the original files are big! They can be used for candy, or other christmas items, to hang on the tree or as storage for diffrent things.
Theres 3 diffrent files, one is the 20 sided bowl, the other the round ornament and the last is a d20 dice with numbers on.
I hope you will enjoy printing these.
Happy printing 😀
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